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English - Gaited or Hunt Seat?

We offer riding programs for the beginner rider to the advanced show rider. We tailor a program to fit your needs whether your a serious competitor or a recreational rider looking to improve your skills. Ages of our riders range from 3 to 83 so it is never too early or too late to make your dream of riding a horse a reality!

Friends and family can watch their rider in the ring. The perfect place to mingle with other farm family members, our farm provides the ideal spot relaxing, entertaining friends / family or just hangin' out!

We offer both private and trail lessons. We will work with you to develop a program that meets your needs.

Our lessons start at $50 Please contact us to learn more.

Additionally - our lessons are saddle-time priced - which means your half-hour lesson is half-hour riding!! You get the full time you request IN THE SADDLE. You are more than welcome to stay and groom, hang out at the barn, or graze the horses for as long as you would like - get your full paid price as time in the saddle!

We take great pride in maintaining only the highest safety standards, and keep our students', riders' and horses' safety as our number one priority. However, like all sports there can be a minimal risk of injury. Before we can begin a program that suits you, all students and riders are required to read and sign our: Release Form and Acknowledgement of Risk

Gift Certificates Available! Contact us and give the horse-lover you know a gift they will treasure!

  • Core Strength: “Horseback riding is an isometric exercise, which means it uses specific muscles to stay in certain positions, in this case, keeping balanced on the horse,” “As a result, postural strength becomes very important in horseback riding.”

  • Balance and Coordination: “Staying balanced becomes more challenging the faster and more quickly the horse moves,” Cantering or galloping and jumping, for example, are much more difficult than a simple jog or trot. The rider must develop coordination skills to move the body with the horse in order to help the horse stay balanced.

  • Muscle Tone and Flexibility: Along with the core muscles, the inner thighs and pelvic muscles get the biggest workout as a rider positions himself or herself. This exercise helps with good overall muscle tone and flexibility. In fact, the muscle strengthening can be as effective as a typical weight-bearing exercise. The arms and shoulders get a work out as well as they have to constantly gently communicate with the horses mouth, similar to dancing with a partner.

  • Cardiovascular Exercise: Depending on the type of riding and the speed and agility of the horse, horseback riding can require more effort, energy, and cardiovascular capacity.

  • Mental exercise: “There are many mental benefits to horseback riding,” “There’s a confidence that comes from learning how to handle and interact with this huge animal. You really learn about yourself as you experience time on a horse.” Riding is a very relaxing and calming experience. It grounds me. I forget my worries or issues because, for the time being, the only focus is on riding and staying on the horse. While horseback riding is a great exercise, the real benefit I get now is the connection with the horse and the peace of mind that comes with every ride,” says Denise.

  • Stable Strength- Riding is not the only way this activity gives the body a workout. Working in a barn and taking care of a horse strengthens muscles and increases cardiovascular capacity.

  • Head Safety- It is suggested that every rider — regardless of age or experience — wear a helmet. According to the American Riding Instructors Association, head injuries account for approximately 60 percent of deaths resulting from equestrian accidents. Properly fitted helmets can prevent death and reduce the severity of head injuries sustained while riding. Riders at our barn under the age of 18 MUST wear a helmet.

  • Interested in giving horseback riding a try? Call us today!

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